You might have met our shop-cat, Wanker, at the mainstore already. Well, he told us he wants a garden, and a house of his own, and some stuff, and friends... and couldn't we..... ?
Of course we couldn't say no, and so he's now looking forward to you visiting him and his friends in his garden, in Cat's Kingdom!
You'll find the Kingdom of Cats there - a cute little house, perfect not only for your cats but also as a hide-away for you and your loved one... well, if you don't mind getting rained upon from time to time, because the roof.. is not what it used to be!

The house is available for the special promotional price of just 99L - only this weekend! Come monday it will be 199L.
We also have the Cat's Cupboard - comes in 4 colours, with colour-changeable cushions! Henry loves sleeping in it!

And we have hay-filled Cat's sleeping boxes which come with a colour-change blanket

A Kitten's Wicker Chair, also with colour-change cushion....

An old dirty sofa which the cats love dearly!

... and the cushions....
See you there!
<3 Sisch & Riott (and the cats, Wanker & Henry)